How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)


A cover letter is a crucial part of your job application that allows you to introduce yourself, highlight your qualifications, and express your interest in a specific job. Here’s what you should include in a well-crafted cover letter:

  1. Contact Information:

    • Your name, address, phone number, and professional email address should be at the top of the cover letter.
  2. Date and Recipient’s Information:

    • Include the date of writing and the contact information of the person or company you are addressing the cover letter to. If you don’t have a specific name, you can use a general salutation like “Dear Hiring Manager.”
  3. Introduction:

    • Start with a formal salutation and a concise introduction that states the position you are applying for and how you heard about the job.
  4. Opening Paragraph:

    • Express your enthusiasm for the position and provide a brief overview of your background and qualifications. Mention where you are in your career and why you are interested in the company.
  5. Body Paragraphs:

    • Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. Tailor these to match the job description and demonstrate how your qualifications make you a strong fit for the position. Use specific examples to showcase your accomplishments and tie them back to the needs of the employer.
  6. Key Achievements:

    • Discuss specific achievements from your past experiences that demonstrate your abilities and align with the requirements of the job. Quantify your achievements whenever possible.
  7. Skills:

    • Emphasize relevant skills that make you a valuable candidate for the position. Include both hard and soft skills that are sought after in the industry.
  8. Research about the Company:

    • Show that you’ve done your homework on the company by mentioning a few specific reasons why you want to work for them. This could include their values, projects, or any recent accomplishments.
  9. Closing Paragraph:

    • Summarize your interest in the position and express your eagerness for the opportunity to discuss your application further in an interview. Mention that you’ve attached your resume for their review.
  10. Closing Salutation:

    • End the cover letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best Regards,” followed by your full name.
  11. Signature:

    • If submitting a physical copy, leave space for your signature above your typed name. If submitting electronically, you can include a scanned signature or simply type your name.
  12. Attachments:

    • If sending the cover letter and resume electronically, mention this in the closing paragraph and ensure that the attachments are included with the email.
  13. Format and Style:

    • Keep the cover letter professional and easy to read. Use a formal font and standard business letter format. Be concise, aiming for a length of about one page.

Remember to customize each cover letter for the specific job application and company, as generic cover letters are less effective. Tailor your language to match the company’s tone and values.

Author: aei